How to sew costume?

The first issue of our program is sewing a classic men's shirt for Ancient Rus. The garment is simple, found everywhere, including Scandinavia, and the pattern is even simpler. Of curiosity in this manual is the source material from which the shirt is sewn. Here we use 60 cm wide homespun linen, dyed with madder root, under near historical conditions. With this width of linen, the cutting will be different than usual. For those who have the usual modern 140 cm wide linen at their disposal, there are also detailed instructions.

Please note that if the model, for which the shirt is sewn, has a slant at the shoulders, a good tummy and is about two meters tall, then the homespun will need one more length of shirt. Well, and the cutting will be a little different. In any case, all the details are below.

More than that! If you lengthen the pattern of the shirt to the floor, then the men's shirt slowly turns into a woman's, which means that you do not have to suffer and look for information on sewing a woman's dress. It's the same, only the hem is longer.

The master class can be found here.

Second number of our program is a master class on sewing a shirt from Viborg, Denmark. 

The link can be found here.

The third item on our program is also Scandinavia with men's trousers from Hedeby. The master class can be found here.